Multivalent 9-O-Acetylated-sialic acid glycoclusters could be potent inhibitors for SARS-CoV-2 infection

A group from Louvain Institute of Biomolecular Science and Technology, Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, etc. has reported that multivalent 9-O-Acetylated-sialic acid glycoclusters could be potent inhibitors for SARS-CoV-2 infection.

The S1-subunit of SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein can be divided into the N-terminal domain (NTD) containing the glycan-binding domain (GBD) and the C-terminal domain (CTD) accommodating the receptor-binding domain (RBD). The GBD engages glycoproteins and glycolipids in most CoVs8, whereas the RBD binds to the ACE2 receptor.

Here authors focused on 9-O-acetylated-SA (9-AcSA), that are of particular interest, since it has been shown that coronaviruses OC43 and HKU bind this glycan via a conserved receptor-binding site in their spike protein.

While monovalent 9-AcSA shows a high IC50 > 100 µM, we observed for all 9-AcSA-derived glycoclusters screened an IC50 in the range 1-10 µM confirming a multivalent effect for these molecules. Among these, 9-AcSA-porphyrin even shows an IC50 in the sub-micromolar range, both on purified 9-AcSA and in the cellular context, making it an excellent candidate as a therapeutic agent.

Indexing speed of Google is slower than Bing

Since the launch of the Mx homepage, blog admin has been uploading 30 articles per a month (60 articles in total for the Japanese and English versions), so the number of index registrations has reached a reasonable level.
However, perhaps because of that, I feel that the speed from requesting indexing on the Google Search Console to actually indexing is slowing down.
Moreover, it is remarkable after the number of articles reached about 500, and it seems that 500 may exist as one delimiter in the upper limit of index registration.
This may be especially true for Mx, as it’s only a short time since Mx domain was created and there isn’t much traffic.
A comment on the solution from a Google representative states that the number of pages should be reduced to make the entire site more powerful, which is a problem for sites such as blog sites where the number of articles continues to increase. Isn’t it?

When I check the indexing using Microsoft’s Bing as a search engine, it seems that the indexing is fairly fast (within the day I posted articles), and Google feels slow.
I feel sorry for Google.
I feel that Bing is now better than Google.

Anyway, I will slow down the speed of posting new articles a little bit from the next month.

Today, it seems that "" was indexed by the search engine

I uploaded Mx’s Homepage on July 19th, and today I could see search results on and エムック(in Japanese) for the first time. It seems to have been indexed by the search engine today. It is 10 days after uploading a new homepage and is rather early.

From now on, I will keep enriching homepage contents, and will improve the search rankings of typical key words.

It takes a long time for search engines to recognize me.

Since launching this Homepage on July 19, the domain,, is still not indexed by search engines. I was able to register this website to Google Search Console, but it seems to me that I have to wait patiently until the time comes. There is some information that it takes more than a month to be indexed by a search engine, so I think it’s still a long way off. Let’s check how many days it will take at this time.

WordPress Theme

This HP is powered by a WordPress theme. I changed it from Twenty Seventeen, which was the first theme, to Sydney recently.

I think both are good themes.

Mx's Homepage opened

On July 19, 2020, we opened Homepage. It is under construction now. I’m sorry for the inconvenience, but please be patient for a little while.

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