Super high-speed glycan profiler:GSL2200

High-speed scanning of Lectin Microarrays

The scanning time of a slideglass is less than 10sec.
GSL2200 is the world fastest glycan profiler (microaray scanner). GSL2200 adopts evanescent-field fluorescence excitation technolgy, which enables non-destructive detection of weak bio-molecular interactions.

Domestic list price of GSL2200:3,850,000 JPY

Lectin Microarrays:
The world's fast Lectin microarray: lecchip

45 lectins

LecChip 45-uni:

This is a fully compatible lectin microarray with LecChip Ver1.0, which was launched in 2007 by Moritex's Glycomics Research Laboratory.

LecChip has the world's highest level of quality and shipping achievements.

Easy standard protocol

The assays of Lectin microarrays are not difficult. What you need to do is just labeling glycoproteins with Cy3. Assays include direct glycoprotein labeling and antibody overlay methods. Using the antibody overlay method, it is possible to specifically analyze the glycans of target glycoproteins even from crude samples.

world standard in glycan profiling technology